
Our Mini-Yokas in California

190.2 by DKE Toys.190.1 by DKE Toys.Sandy and  I decorated two of these cute little bear figures for a show that started in LA. The show will finally come to the east coast, to Long Island, NY. There are 2 views of each creature. Sandy, of course, did a great job on her Tangled Teddy. My Yoka is different  - see below:
321.1 by DKE Toys.321.2 by DKE Toys.
These tiny (3 inches tall) bears come as totally blank, smooth vinyl. Sharpies work, and the KidRobot markers are great. Pigma pens are excellent too.You can heat the creatures gently and soften them and then give them earrings, etc. Or glue clothing on them, or trim off bodyparts......
 I didn't get to make the second part of the figure (a wagon), to round out the "Language Lesson", but I'm still working on it. I have to have total privacy when I work.
We sell big Yokas at Wingdoodle - these are much easier to work on, like the Munnys. The humongous Munny is easiest, and you can use the oil paint markers (just like we did on the gnu.)
It's a lot of fun, and I'm hoping to do a mini-show here, with decorated Munnys and other creatures. Probably this summer.
If you're interested, e mail me or call or come to Wingdoodle.

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