One of my favorites was the stamping & embossing technique using Ranger alcohol inks and seafoam embossing powder!
On Sunday, I stopped bye and Shelly showed me a sample and offered to let me play at the demo table. How could I resist! And, she showed me a secret technique that I will pass along to you.
First off, I took a small piece of paper and used that as my background.

I embossed my image using SEAFOAM white embossing powder. SheRee found that ONLY the seafoam white is effective using this technique. I let the image dry, or rather cool to room temp and then continued with the next step.
Using whatever alcohol inks inks, I chose, I dripped them onto the felt square and attached it to the "Alcohol Ink Applicator". You could use a make up sponge as well or even a piece of felt & a pair of plastic gloves.
I "smooshed" the felt around on the paper, so that the ink colors blended. I let it dry.

You could either dab it up and down - SheRee's preferred method or you could "smoosh" it - Shelly's method. I did a combination of both!
Because I used alcohol inks, they dried very quickly. I took a paper towel and smoothed over my image just to clean it up slightly. Now, you could add another layer of alcohol ink color over your image.
Sandpaper! I took some sandpaper and gently buffed over my image. It softened the edges up a bit and I like the weathered look for this technique.
Now, for Shelly's BIG SECRET....

Now, in my sample below, I did everything as stated above and came out with the image on the left. The image on the right was created with only one variation....
It gives a totally different effect!
The card on the left gives more of a shadow or "ghost" image, whereas the card on the right shows more contrast.....
Hmmmm, the possibilities of endless!
Thanks Shelly & SheRee!
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